Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dreams, deliriums and one-night stands

The story of what I went through in the past two days, would include all the above three words: a one-night's (more precisely two) stand that brought free dreams and deliriums.
It all originated in the wicked desire that I had on Sunday to have pizza. Having seen nobody in the office with whom I could have dinner; and deciding to catch up with the jogging, I decided to order a pizza at night. It was a medium sized pizza from Smokin Joe's, along with an assorted garlic bread and a coke---an amount which I have had before at times, and succeeded admirably.
This time however, it proved to be somewhat heavy--causing me get up at 2 different occasions in Sunday night seeking cold water to quell a parched mouth. Not to speak of the intermittent vampire dreams that I had.
Monday woke up late with an extremely heavy stomach that counseled my reason not to go ahead to the office, but simply sleep more and pass the day.
But just had biscuits and soup only, since the stomach was still heavy and a visit to the loo hadn't helped. By night, I was becoming scared of the apathy to work that was being generated--I felt that that I didn't go to the office for no reason.
If the night before was just dreams, this night deliriums took over. I went to the loo about once every one-and-a-half hour to extreme excretions of foul smelling liquid stuff. By early morning, this had turned to gas and mucus, but it still didn't stop. I couldn't rehydrate myself with water, since that chose to come out as my back-ward excreta with mucus within 5 minutes. And in between these visits to the loo, was trying to sleep, but of course without the least fraction of success. Kept on being in deliriums---punctuated by intervals of watching movies to pass the time. The only respite in all this, was that I online on skype with babun-da and that was doing wonders.
By early morning, I was so weak and faint headed that I'd just toss and turn in my bed relentlessly, sometimes going down to sleep on the floor, until the next wave of stomach pain sent me rushing to the loo.
Hah, what a night! Didn't get a single wink of sleep. In the morning, somehow managed to drag myself to the canteen to have a toast and jam with sweet black tea. Have been safe since then!
What a night's stand!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Miss Marple

What have I been doing all these time? Besides working, that is. Why reading Miss Marple. Why her all of a sudden? Don't exactly know. But the settings, the plots and the characters suddenly seemed so nice and appealing, that I couldn't resist for long. And of course there was the fact that at some point of time, I was really bored with my work, my surroundings and my circumstances.
Anyway, sometime into this period I decided that I will read up all the Miss Marple that Christie ever wrote and that's what I have been doing, sometimes recklessly neglecting my work. Very foolhardy, I suppose.
I have finished most of the books--the only ones that are left are: A Caribbean Mystery, At Bertram's hotel and the Sleeping Murders. The question that naturally rises are which books I have liked and why? So, one of the issues that I realized is that Christie has reused several of her plots from time to time: many of the plots that she has toyed with in the "The Tuesday Murder club" has been reused in her later novels. Nonetheless, I must say that the books that I found to be pure genius are : The Murder at the VicarageThe Moving Finger and A Murder is Announced. The plot is considerably more intricate in the first and the last ones than the middle, but the middle one compensates in terms of atmosphere. I shouldn't miss out 4:50 from Paddington--that's sheer brilliance as well. Among the next best are : The Body in the Library, Nemesis, The Mirror Crack'd, A Pocket Full of Rye, and others. I wouldn't put anything in the third rank! :)
In the midst of all this, I also quickly read Ken Follett's Code to Zero. Of course, he was superbly brilliant in his The Eye of the Needle, so much so that I would have compared him with Forsyth, but then Code to Zero is a huge fall from the position. Sure the action is taut, but I find that the plot is terribly weak sometimes. I ask myself again and again if the US were really so lax in their security measures in the 1958 as he describes. I mean, even the events that Forsyth describe take place in London and/or the UK, but they seem more believable. It course remains that Ken Follett tried a romantic quadrangle in the latter book and not in the Eye of the Needle. Nearly the whole plot in Code to Zero is based on the romantic plot 15 years ago from the time when the story takes place and somehow this makes the plot pretty unsteady, according to my opinion.
Anyway--way too much of this! I must go back to working!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Had this focaccia bread today. For details look up http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Focaccia. Hell, that was wondeful. Might have had this in Italy, but if so don't remember it quite so well. But the one that I got from Theobroma was just heavenly. (The use of contrasting adjectives for the same object is purposeful.) The olives were wonderful and the smell enticing, even though this was cold. I wonder what it will be like when served hot! Mind blowing.
It was nice to go out, even if completely by myself. I still didn't feel like having those there, so I carried them back home. But at least, I would have been more disappointed if I had stayed back at TIFR and did nothing. Anyway, I was expecting the streets to be crowded due to Ganesh Chathurthi and Eid, but thankfully it was rather empty. So no additional troubles! Also, this time didn't go to Muhammed Ali Road. Missed the kababs and the sweets. Damn!
Sometimes, I get tired of this life in TIFR. A fresh beginning somewhere else? but then, --- for how long? and then?

Thursday, September 09, 2010

I really wanted to go out today (but did not make any plans) --- to Muhammed Ali Road. Ramadan is going on, remember? Tomorrow is Id. Maybe I could have made it. But in the end what matters is that I didn't. :( Need to something interesting to cheer me up.

Friday, September 03, 2010

Every time I try to cut myself out of the emotional shackles, I end up getting more and more hopelessly entangled in them. Damn, why did I ever start writing my Diary? Do you think that I didn't do that I'd be as I am today? That'll require another lifetime to find out----with the exact same initial conditions. Nah, too much of a bother, forget it!