Monday, February 29, 2016

the leap day

"You probably don't want to follow me, I am not a very good example ...", he looked at me, a furtive look, but catching my eye nevertheless.

  Some comments like this I can never rule out, never forget. To be honest, it is not that I remember, until at some obscure moment they flash up in my conscious part of my brain, flooding me with guilt and longing.

 But today is special. It is not the new year, not a birthday, not an anniversary, and indeed there is nothing special I can remember about this day. You could stop me and point out that this day special because it comes once every four years, it's the leap day for three-years, and the non-leap day on the fourth leap year. Even google has a nice doodle about this.

  Rabbits do leap don't they? But does an iRabbit as well?

   Enough vague statements. The reason that this day is special to me is because provides a wormhole into my past life. What? Are you dead, and re-incarnated?, I hear you ask. No, I reassure you, it is just that my life has changed irreversibly, whether for good or worse I do not know, but I know that things cannot ever go back to how they were on the last leap day.

 Having said that I will stop. There is no point in describing the non-consequential bliss during the times before, and the deep absymmal despair that followed. No language, mine the least of all, can describe it. I am just using this day to make a connection with the past life, like when you stand in front of a glass window looking at the neverland behind it, something that you know every bit, and yet, it is quite beyond your reach.

 Hello Dad!


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