Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Staring at Love's face

It's not very often that this happens, and not always that you get to observe this as a third person, aware of how much of a significance this carries. In real life. Yesterday, I was lucky enough to observe this.

I have two very good Spanish friends, who've been together for almost a decade now. Almost a lifetime. Yesterday was P's birthday. I knew this only because A told me about it. And A wasn't here, but attending a workshop several hours away: so P was to spend the birthday alone. As it happened, I had bought along something for P from India (and also for A), and hadn't given either of them the presents. So, I thought it would be a really good idea to give P the gift. We were sitting in a Cafe drinking beer, talking about various things, when P had a phone call from A. I thought it was to wish P for P's birthday. And then, we continued talking. And then it happened.

All of a sudden I saw A appear from nowhere. And P was kinda shocked. Evidently this was unexpected. The look on P's face as P hugged and kissed A is something I wouldn't really forget. And I stared at them just simply, just happy -- so purely happy, so much joy that I had never experienced for a long time. This was happy for happiness' sake. This is rare. Last year I have hardly been this happy. I have been sad most of the time, and when I was happy, I was happy because I wasn't sad. And this was being happy for happiness' sake. You know what I mean?

I remember the pain when my ex- and I were away for a long time the first time. My ex-, another A, was also going to work far away, to another continent. And I also remember the A's expression when I came to meet A in the airport when A came back to Mumbai after three months for A's first vacation. I think I came to the airport from KK's house, and I still remember me waiting at the Arrivals in a blue T-shirt, waiting for A to arrive. And I still remember the joy at the first re-union. I was also staring at Love's face, but was not looking at Love. I was looking beyond Love at A.

And yesterday, I was looking at both of them, and stared directly at Love. 

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