Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Ring of Solomon

Have just finished reading the new book (relatively new, since it came out in 2010) by Jonathan Stroud, The Ring of Solomon. The title will tell a lot to those who have already read the Bartaemius trilogy: yes, its about the famous ring that Solomon had; which could apparently control so many ferocious demons.
You've already heard about this ring in the Trilogy when Bartaemius claims to have spoken with Solomon himself; but here in this book things get very nasty. But, brilliantly written: now in my opinion, has hugely surpassed Harry Potter.
I only that he goes on writing about other episodes from Bartaemius' life.
And a book of this goes much beyond what the story is supposed to tell. Invariably, to understand the settings better, I mess with the actual history of the story; and in the process get to know a whole lot of things. For example,
take the The lost army of Cambyses. I ended up looking up quite a bit of the Egyptian history. And with this book; I happened to do quite a lot of reading about the region around Egypt, Phoenicia, Greece, Arabia and so on. This, reminds me how much I was interested in history. So many nations, so much culture, so much fighting! All very interesting.
Have ordered the Kindle. Will probably get it by the end of the week.
Before I completely forget, the last weekend was pretty nice. We went to Marine Drive, had ice-creams, actually rode on a horse-drawn cart in the Marine Drive; and had excellent pasta at Spaghetti Kitchen. Was definitely a day to remember.

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