Monday, November 22, 2010

the Harry Potter weekend

Saw the movie Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallow (the first part). A reasonable movie with nice sceneries that tried to remind me of the LOTR, with some success. This seemed to be a faithful reproduction of the book. But enjoyed it a lot!
Most of the weekend was spend doing rather useless work on making the web-page for a nearly finished project, and making tables in tex. Throw in a couple of fine lectures by Evgeny Epelbaum on the Chiral Effective Field theories, and there you have my entire schedule. The lecture was saturday was mostly on EFT with pions, which I have an idea of and could mostly follow. But on sunday, he described EFT for nucleons by integrating out the pion degrees of freedom: the procedure seemed very interesting, but I was unable to follow most of it. There is some effective range expansion that needs to be understood.
The lectures on Efimov effect also seemed very interesting---much to the extent of trying something in one of the projects I am doing!
Looking forward for a small break soon. Will let know if everything goes well.

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