Sunday, August 16, 2015

Two languages, one artist and two decades

Since I don't have time to write too involved an entry, I will do a short one, based on the little things I found out today. It's about NENA, the German singer. If you don't know who that is, click at the Wikilink given at the end of the article. Since the aim of the blog is more about the songs, I'll skip her details.

 All you need to know that Nena is a German singer who had her first international success in the early 1980's. One of the wonderful songs (at least a one that I like so much) is the one called "99 Luftballons". The song is perfectly ordinary, but starts with a wonderful romantic opening line:

 "Hast du etwas Zeit fuer mich,
   Singe ich ein Lied fuer dich,
   Von 99 Luftballon auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont
   Denkst Du vielliecht gerade an mich
   Singe ich ein Lied fuer dich,
   Von 99 Luftballoons ... "

 A terribly romantic set of lines, in my opinion. How many people take time to sing you songs of Hot-Air Balloons? And then, she did it again: she wrote (well, she was in a band at that time), and sang the English version of the song, which incidentally doesn't translate word for word. This perhaps reflects what original composers do when they are faced to translate a version of their song. The sounds and the tone of the English song is similar to the German one, which you can listen here.

 The next decade(s) were not particularly successful for Lena, apart from the Berlin concert, where she performed a song, the title of which means "Miracles can happen". A miracle did happen: this song performed for the "Konzert fuer Berlin", resulted in the German re-unification a few months later.

 Now, she has had a comeback, with a more mature stance. She made accolades for herself by resinging her old songs, which resulted in a major hit, but also coming up with new songs and albums which are a big hit in the German speaking countries of Austria and Switzerland, besides Germany. You can listen to one of the recent song here, where she has partnered with another British singer Kim Wilde. This is an interesting song to watch since the old version (of 1984) is also available and you can see it here.

 It is quite interesting the change that the artist has had, not only in her looks, but also in her style, way of looking, and singing. She exudes much more maturity and elegance, as does Kim Wilde. All the videos were a pleasure to watch, and listen to. Another of my favourites is here, and I think this belongs to the new songs that she wrote recently, titled as "Besser gehts nicht".

 Actually, I fully came to know about Nena only today. I did find her accidentally while searching for Lena, another german singer, who won the Eurovision award recently. Of course, I would confuse the L and the N, an alphabet apart, and keep getting different songs. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Random and more Organized thoughts

Some people are more productive than others, don't you think? Well, you don't have to think to agree, you just have to see.

As usual, I was applying the argument on myself. And precisely about this blog. It's been a long time since I wrote here, and constantly keep blaming myself for not feeling myself up for it. It's not that I don't get material to write, I think lots, come up with arguments while I walk, or stare out blankly from the S-Bahn as it rushes to take my home. It is just that most of the time, these thoughts seem too stupid to write them down.

 I think it was yesterday, and then immediately had a counter-argument: I would say: So What? Most of the very fancy things ever, or the esoteric things ever, have been written by people in a frenzy... you just need to write it convincingly to get people ga-ga over it.

 So shall I try to write randomly? I won't make sense, though, so if you keep reading the text, you'll just have wander along with me.

 Today, I was rather full with a heavy lunch, so I just sat chewing a bread-rolls, and moistening the bread with yoghurt. And I thought what if I would put this on the FB (obviously not me in the first person..) and see what (some of) my friends write on the post. Imagine a post saying: "... Looking forward to a pleasant time, Sarah took some bread, and some Joghurt from the fridge, and sat chewing on the bread and wondering what her perfect life could have been.." But the idea I had was more interesting, rather then people potentially liking it. or judging me to be mental. It was in my vague hopes that people would read it, and then get back me asking questions about Sarah. And then through all these answers. I would create a new character for her.

Immediately, I decided against it, since I wasn't sure if drawing attention to my current state is such a good idea.

If however, you are reading this, and want to leave a comment about Sara, please do so. She did complain to me about her lack of 'Character'. It is so much more fun when you see comments from Unknown Person.